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This Sunday, February 4, after our regular service, we’ll gather in the Nave for our Annual Meeting of Parishioners (AMP). This is our chance to reflect on the past year, adopt the 2025 budget, and elect parish officers. You can download the AMP Packet, including an overview of our financial reports, right here: [Download AMP Packet].

What to Expect:

  • Who Can Attend & Vote? If you’re baptized, regularly attend worship at St. George in the Pines, and receive communion (or are otherwise involved in the life of our parish), you’re welcome to attend. Voting is open to parishioners age 16 and older who sign a declaration confirming their participation. Just a heads-up: per the Diocese, watching our livestreams or past YouTube services from the COVID shutdown doesn’t count as attending—only in-person attendance qualifies for voting​.

  • Budget Adoption, Not Approval – A quick note on process: we don’t approve the budget at the AMP; instead, we adopt the budget that’s already been approved by Parish Council​.

  • Financial Reports – Rick Gummer has provided an overview of our finances in the AMP packet. Since our AMP is happening earlier than usual this year to accommodate the upcoming due date of our baby on February 14 (and as you know, babies can choose to come earlier!), Rick and Kyoko worked under a tight time crunch to pull everything together so I could be part of this meeting. I’m so grateful for their effort! Full financial details will be printed and available for each attendee at the meeting.

How It’ll Work:

We’ve been having coffee hour in the Nave these past few Sundays, and we’ll do the same this week. Once everyone has had a chance to grab coffee and a treat, those staying for the meeting will be invited to move to the first two pews.

Let’s Make It a Feast!

Since this will run a bit longer than coffee hour, we’re inviting everyone to bring some finger foods to share—something a little extra beyond our usual coffee hour treats. If you’re able to bring something, please email Ji Won at to let us know what you’ll bring.

The AMP Packet is attached for you to review ahead of time. Looking forward to seeing you all there as we pray, plan, and look ahead together!