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The Annual Meeting of Parishioners for St. George in the Pines Anglican Church will be held on Sunday, February 2, immediately following the Sunday service.

This meeting is an important opportunity for all parishioners to participate in the life of our church by reflecting on the past year, adopting the parish budget for the coming year, and electing parish officers.

Eligibility to Attend and Vote

In accordance with Diocesan Canon 13, all baptized persons who meet the following criteria are eligible to attend and vote at the meeting:

  • Are at least 16 years of age,
  • Regularly attend worship and receive communion at St. George in the Pines, or otherwise receive the ministrations of the clergy,
  • Have signed the required declaration to confirm their eligibility.

It is important to note that, according to Diocesan policy, regular attendance refers to in-person attendance at worship services. Watching online services or archived services from the COVID-19 shutdown does not count toward attendance eligibility for the purpose of meetings of parishioners.

The ministry team is diligently preparing the Annual Meeting of Parishioners (AMP) packet and will make it available to the parish as soon as it is ready.

We encourage everyone who is eligible to join us for this important gathering as we look to the future with prayerful hope and faith.

In Joy,

Rev. Seth and the Ministry Team at St. George in the Pines Anglican Church