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Dear St George family,

Starting this Sunday and continuing through November, we’re going to dive into something that we don’t often talk about: giving. I know most of us were taught that it’s not polite to bring up money, religion, or politics in conversation, but here’s the thing—Jesus talked about money more than just about anything else in the Bible! Not because He cared about wealth, but because He knew that how we view and use our money reflects where our hearts are with God.

Before anyone panics, let me assure you—this isn’t going to be one of those guilt trips followed by passing the offering plate around a few extra times. We’re not here for that. Instead, what we’ll focus on is allowing God to shape our hearts to look more like Jesus. It’s about aligning our desires with God’s desires for our world, our lives, and our community.

To help guide us through this month, I’m attaching a Generosity Guide. It’s designed to give you some background to my stewardship teaching (and keep my sermons to a tight 20 minutes!). More than that, it’s a tool for your own prayerful reflection—an opportunity to sit with God’s Word and consider what He’s saying to us about living a generous life.

I’m really looking forward to seeing how God moves in our hearts and our community during this time. Let’s walk this journey together, asking God to grow us in generosity, not just with our finances but with our time, our love, and our care for others.

See you Sunday,

(And yes, I’ll be keeping the sermons to 20 minutes!)